Himalayas formed (and continue to form) millions of years ago when two gigantic plates called Eurasia, and India collided with each other. Indian plate got pushed under the Eurasian plate resulting in the raise of massive mountains, the Himalayas. In fact the pushing of this Indian plate into Eurasia happens even now, when this happens earth around it naturally moves with it. According to NASA, Himalayas grow at the rate of 1 cm per year.
usgs.gov on The Himalays: Two continents collide
pbs.org has a site devoted for the earthquakes, Savage Earth
Cornell University digs little more deep, Discover our Earth
A look into the future, NASA's Global Earthquake Satellite System (GESS)
Hope, last week's earthquake works like a wakeup call (pardon the cliché) to governments involved. They should look into ways of not doing same mistakes again in terms of building constructions.
I agree. However, I wonder if even developed countries can cope with something like this. Like the Katrina experience demonstrated
It's a valid question. But, I think both Katrina and current US administration's incompetence are exceptions. Initial death toll probably would be the same or greater if this kind of quake hits a developed country. However, the after math would be in no comparison with what happens in the developing (3rd world) countries. This is because of the resources and planning (prior) that go into disaster response.
BBC: Earthquake Timelines
One of the major problems seems to me in 3rd world countries is that they spend lot of money on defense and very little size of money taking care of their people (when they are not at war). Just consider this fact,
Pakistan has increased its defense budget this year by 15%. I am sure India has been hiking it's defense budget as well.
Hi Praveen,
Good posting. It is really a sad state. There are so many hurdles to relief efforts. Even if somebody is ready to give money, material and men .. there is no way you can reach the people who need it.
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